Cancellations and Refunds Policy
1. eBooks
It is recommended that you read, at no cost, the first chapter of any book you wish to buy to see whether this book is right for you. If you decide it is, and pay for the whole book, a refund will only be given if you believe the full book has been misrepresented on this site. If you feel the book does not meet the expectations raised on this site, please send an email to me at within two weeks of the date of purchase, and I will refund the cost of the book with no further questions asked.
2. Online Courses
It is recommended that you watch, at no cost, the first video of the course (use this link) to see whether this course is right for you. If you decide it is, and pay for the course, a refund d will only be given if you believe the full course has been misrepresented on this site. If you feel the course does not meet the expectations raised on this site, please send an email to me at within two weeks of the date of purchase, and I will refund the cost of the course with no further questions asked.
3. Ticketed live workshops.
If your circumstances change and you cannot make it to the workshop please contact me ( as soon as possible. If you cancel early (7 days or more before the start of the workshop), the workshop fee will be refunded. If you cancel late (between 6 days and the day of the workshop):
–you may nominate someone else to take your place or,
-you have the opportunity to attend another workshop of the same type for up to 12 months after the date of the original workshop.