Your latest research is great

And now it deserves to be recognised



But good research isn’t enough

The top journals don’t want submissions that read like they were written by a committee. Their reviewers and readers respond to papers that tell a story, that feel connected from start to finish.

Give your papers the story edge

If you’re doing research, my Research Blueprint system can help you (or your students) write compelling, logically connected research. I provide courses and manuscript
editing services worldwide, increasing your chances of getting your great research published.


Writing workshops come to you

I’m now running writing workshops in Sydney, or anywhere in Australia. The length and emphasis of a workshop are flexible. Contact me if your institution is interested. See recent and upcoming events.

Workshops at WSU Apr-Sept 2020

I am running a series of one-day workshops for postgrad students from all departments of Western Sydney University. Topics: Thesis and research proposal writing

The Research Blueprint Video